A Letter from Bishop Edward J. Burns to the Faithful of the Diocese of Dallas
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Bishop Kelly on the Synod
Please be aware that the Synod Delegate Nomination process is NOW underway. Applications are open to individuals nominated by their parish to be considered for a voting delegate seat in the upcoming assembly as well as to individuals wishing to self-nominate for consideration. Original Deadline: May 15, 2023, now extended to June 1, 2023
*Please note that synod listening sessions are in-person events.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
at Cristo Rey High School
9701 San Leon Dr, Dallas, TX 75217
The Synod Assembly concluded on December 4, 2024. As we look ahead to the next phase, Bishop Burns invites all Catholics in the Diocese of Dallas to unite in prayer for its success and for the continued growth of the Catholic faith in our community.
Good and gracious God,
heavenly Father, we thank You for the wisdom and
grace You have given us through Your Son, Jesus.
Increase our faith so that we may hear the voice of
our Good Shepherd and joyfully follow the path His
love illuminates before us.
As we come to know and embrace the fruits of the
synod in the Diocese of Dallas, send forth anew
the Holy Spirit to guide us. Grant that our vision and
understanding may be enlightened as we live out
the mission of this local church in our time, while
never losing sight of Your will and our hope to be
with You in heaven.
We entrust the fruitfulness of our synod to the
maternal care of our patroness, Our Lady of
Guadalupe, who intercedes for us and accompanies
us, and whose “yes” in love and faith we seek to
We pray with confidence through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Want to know more about the Diocese of Dallas Synod?
Listen to the most recent broadcast of The Dallas Synod Show, which airs the first Friday of every month at 4 p.m. on 910AM KATH.
5 things to know about the Diocese of Dallas Synod Assembly
This December, the Diocese of Dallas is preparing to enter an extraordinary phase in its history with a diocesan synod. This four-day assembly, being held Dec. 1-4, is a culmination of years of preparation, input, and discernment that brought together representatives from across the diocese to offer feedback to Bishop Edward J. Burns in his decisions on governance of the diocese. Here are five essential things to know about this historic event.
Synod Survey
For those that were unable to attend the Synod Listening Session October 21, 2023, on RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, PROJECT PLANNING AND GROWING THE CHURCH or if you attended and realized later you had more you wanted to say, we have extended the synod survey to stay open online until October 29.
If you or someone you know would like to share thoughts and opinions on the questions asked at this session, and you reside in the Diocese of Dallas, please feel free to click the link below to access this special survey.
It is helpful to remember that a synod cannot change Church doctrine. No matters of church doctrine will be changed with this process. However, we know it is important to listen to the experiences of those who encounter the Church, whether they are Catholic or not.
Your feedback is appreciated as we continue forward with this effort.