Pia Septién is the Cynthia and David Freeman Professor of Sacred Scripture and Coordinator, Spanish Language Programs at the University of Dallas Neuhoff Institute. Hired 16 years ago to start the Catholic Bible School in Spanish, from there five more certificate programs in Spanish have been launched. Her books include: Women of the Old Testament and Women of the New Testament, Los Evangelios de Mateo y Marcos, Los evangelios de Lucas y Juan; Los Hechos de los Apóstoles, 5 ¿Por qué? Frequent guest of EWTN Radio Hoy es tu gran día. Writes for La Revista Catolica published by the Diocese of Dallas. Consultant for Catholic Extension Society, Advisor for the V Encuentro Youth and Young Adult Leadership Initiative (USCCB) and member of the Education and Curriculum Development Board of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. Married to Cesar, mother of five and grandmother of six.