Celebration of the 500th anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a Mass.
Timeline Stories
All timeline stories.
From 2024 — 2031, Bishop Burns will oversee the implementation of diocesean synod resolutions.
A multiday synod meeting takes place where the synod body will discuss the response of the lay faithful and vote…
From February 1, 2022 — December 1, 2023 the diocese will hold a series of listening sessions throughout the nine…
The diocesan synod process formally begins on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Diocese of…
The preparatory phase of the diocesan synod gets under way with a series of catechetical sessions throughout the Diocese of…
Bishop Edward J. Burns announces a diocesan synod through his pastoral letter, “The Journey Through Lent, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost:…