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Synod Preparatory Commission

Purpose of the Synod Preparatory Commission

The members of the synod preparatory commission have been chosen by Bishop Edward J. Burns from amongst the clergy and other faithful who are distinguished by their pastoral prudence and by their professional competence and who, in so far as possible, reflect the various charisms and ministries of the People of God. Some members should be expert in the disciplines of Canon Law and Sacred Liturgy. It is the task of the preparatory commission to assist the Bishop especially in matters pertaining to the organization and preparation of the Synod. The preparatory commission also helps the Bishop in drawing up the synodal Directory, in his determining those questions to be proposed for synodal deliberation, as well as in the designation of the synodal members. The diocesan Bishop, or his delegate in the event of being unable to do so, presides over the meetings of the preparatory commission.

– Excerpt from “Instruction on Diocesan Synods“, Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Evangelization for Peoples


Preparatory Commission Members

Clear Filters
Most Reverend Edward J. Burns
Most Reverend Greg Kelly
Lacy de la Garza
Susie Aleman
Deacon Kevin Bartholomew
Father John Bayer
Father Paul Bechter
Anand Bheemarasetti
Julie Billmeier
Fernando Blanco
Gregory Caridi
Deacon Joseph M. Coleman
Peter Ductrám
Omar Enrique García Rojas
Rob Hays
James W. Keyes
Father Radoslaw Michal Markiewicz
Joseph Rodriguez
Lynn Rossol
Pia Septién
Sefanit Stefanos
Andre Valdivia
Father Don Zeiler
Sister Mary Anne Zuberbueler, O.P.
Father Tom Lackland
Tom Reidy
Rebecca Sanford